i'm erick pérez

👨🏽‍💻 Web Developer & 👨🏽‍🍳 Amateur Chef

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web development

I have more than 5 years creating web apps using PHP and JS. My expertise is creating a really cool user interfaces.

web design

If you want to update your site or if you want to create a great product or service, I can help you to reach it.

backend development

Do you need to persistent your client data? I can help you to create a really secure and functional API Rest.

Job Experience

Web UI Developer


December 2020 - Present (Full-Time)

Work together with the UX team to create web interfaces, following a11y best practices.

Research and apply a11y corrections in the applications in charge of the team.

Collaborate with the rest of the team in the planning process to refine technical aspects of the apps.

Create scalable and modular components within the application with React.

Mentoring to new team members, as well as support to jr. devs.

Perform in-app testing processes like Unit and E2E tests.

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Featured Projects



Create the site to tell people about the new checkout that is fast and aims to help improve e-commerce.


Photo - Figma Prototype Tutorial

This is the figma prototype tutorial example, created using Gatsby and React.

GraphQLReactGatsbyHTMLCSSFlexboxCSS GridJS


TVP is a regional television corporation with local identity in northwestern Mexico. They are backed by more than 50 years broadcasting, shaping a strong, dynamic television with a spirit of service to society.


Blockbuster Movie Catalog

In this project is to re-create a simple React library using only Vanilla JS. In addition, I built a Redux and Style Components API also, with the same stack. The objective on this challenge was understand how JavaScript works before I use different JS frameworks to use them.


Fundación Grupo Alerta

It is a Foundation created in 2019, which supports various social assistance institutions for the benefit of the communities of northwestern Mexico, showing a special interest in education. The objective is to offer scholarships to outstanding students who do not have the resources to continue their studies.

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